10 Books that never leave my nightstand

These books are kept near and dear to me. They never stray too far, usually just within an arms reach on my nightstand. They never get old, and somehow they’re always teaching me something new.

The best Spiritual books will help expand your perspective and remind you of your unlimited potential. Their concepts are powerful and bring forth an opportunity for you to open your mind, evolve your way of thinking and in turn, improve your life. And hopefully, learn to see the world around you a little differently.

I’ve read each of these books over and over again. They’ve had profound affects on the way I view the world and my place in it. I’ve read each of them completely from start to finish the first time around. After that initial read, they’ve become more like reference guides to me. I flip to a page for inspiration or to look up a specific topic. If it’s your first time reading the book, I do recommend starting at the beginning then following through till the end, that way you don’t miss any important sequences. But after that feel free to flip through like a magazine (remember those!) and stop on whatever draws you in. I can’t tell you how many times I have opened one of these books and landed right on a page containing a potent message, as if the words were jumping right off the page at me. Spirit has an uncanny way of placing things on our path when we need them most.

Here’s the Top 10 that never leave my bedside:

  • A top favorite of mine, Big Magic feels like just that. This book has had a profound and lasting impact on me. Anytime I’m feeling uninspired or my confidence wavering, Elizabeth quickly shifts my mindset back into my power and reminds me why I do the work I do. Gilbert encourages us to move beyond our fears to live a creatively guided life, to continue to forge ahead despite our doubts and reservations. To do WHATEVER it is we are called to do. This is an empowerment gem, and it’s a BIG YES from me!
  • Fellow Psychic Medium and Long Islander, Laura Lynne Jackson writes so beautifully (she’s an English teacher, and it shows). Her warmth and compassion is almost palpable – you can feel her energy glowing through her words. In SIGNS, Laura reminds us of the deep connection we share with one another, as well as our loved ones on the Other Side. Love Never Dies. In this heartfelt book, Laura Lynne, explains how the Universe speaks to us through signs and synchronicities. Her stories are sure to bring a smile your way as you think of the times these special moments have touched your own life.
  • Sonia Choquette is a long-time Spiritual teacher who refers to her students as “Sixth Sensories”. She’s all about incorporating intuition in our daily lives in practical ways. In Ask Your Guides, Sonia explains the many ways in which Spirit is at our disposal. There is no task too big or too small to request their assistance. All we need to do is invite our personal Team from the realm of Higher Guidance into our lives, and watch as miracles begin to unfold! If you’ve never asked for guidance in this way, you’ll be surprised at the active role your guides play in your life – you need only Ask.
  • Who doesn’t love them some Gabby Bernstein?! Gabrielle is a Spiritual guru who has built an entire empire upon sharing her message with the world. It goes without saying, I am a fan. In this follow-up to her New York Times best seller The Universe Has Your Back, Gabby uses Super Attractor, to convey how we are the co-creators of our lives. She teaches us how we can use the support of the Universe to attract all that we desire. We all possess natural manifestation abilities. Super Attractor shows us how we have the power to do more than just dream about the life we want – we can attract it into our reality.
  • This is my Go-To of all Go-To’s. My Spiritual “bible”. This book was a game-changer for me. It was this book that made everything click and helped me to understand my abilities and use them in realistic ways. Rebecca breaks down everything “medium” in a way I can understand and relate to. After reading this, the pieces began falling into place. In Spirited, Rebecca asks us to “Do the work”. To get clear and do your own work in order to heal. I’ve put in the work, I’ve completed all of the steps outlined in this book (more than once), and now I share it with you. As you can see, it was originally a loaner from my local library. I couldn’t bare to part with it, and ended up paying the library to keep it. I kinda like the plastic sleeve over the hardcover — it serves as a reminder of how my journey began!
  • Another one from Laura Lynne Jackson (Her first published release). In this book she takes us on her journey of self-discovery. She shares stories and lessons of her connection to the Other Side through her work as a psychic medium. As usual, Laura’s graceful guidance is depicted in her words. She deepens our understanding of love and connection while offering messages of hope. In The Light Between Us, Laura shares the valid information she’s gained through dedicating herself to being a voice for the Other Side, helping souls on both sides of the veil.
  • Unbeknownst to her (or maybe beknownst, I don’t really know, she is a psychic medium afterall – she knows things), MaryAnn, has been a silent mentor of mine. In my many readings with her, I discovered how strong my own connection to the Other Side is and recognized this as my calling. Watching MaryAnn channel Spirit through her amazing gifts, transformed my life and made a believer out of me. In Believe, Ask, Act, MaryAnn asks us to be aware of how much our energy affects our reality, and teaches us to believe in our capabilities of creating positive change in our life. Observing MaryAnn in her element has given me invaluable real-life experience. I find myself integrating her methods of practice every time I give a reading.

  • If you’re from Long Island, and you’re a medium ( like me) you can’t help but identify with the other Long Island Medium! Who hasn’t heard of Theresa?! Her bigger than life personality (plus hair and nails to match) made her a household name. And this list would not be complete without one of her books. In her first book There’s More To Life Than This Theresa shares life-changing lessons and messages from Heaven. Love her or hate her, she’s full of life and has a lot of love in her soul. She is who she is, and stands in it unapologetically. Plus she’s extremely talented, amazing at what she does, and can hold a room full of thousands of people – a true entertainer.
  • Yet another medium hailing from Long Island (they say there’s something in the water here – they may be on to something). Kim uses her one-of-a-kind empathy and humor in Your Soul Purpose, where she touches on the many facets that make up Spiritual Living. Such as, Astrology, Numerology, Feng Shui, and Sacred Geometry. She shows us how the Laws of the Universe apply to our everyday life. Kim’s been called into Spiritual service as the self proclaimed “Happy Medium”. She’s made it her mission to help us find our own Soul Purpose.
  • I first read this book quite some time ago after my father passed and I was searching for answers. I wanted to know what happens when we die. What research had been done? What information was there available to us? Certainly, there had to be more than this. I knew my Dad was still with me, but where did he go? In pursuit of answers to life’s biggest questions, I found Proof Of Heaven. I liked that it was written by a highly trained neurosurgeon who recounted his own Near-Death experience. To me, this book presented the perfect blend of Science and Spirituality. Interestingly enough, my father had a very scientific mind, being a doctor himself ( he was a Chiropractor). When we would speak about Spirituality, he always told me he believed in the Sun as our Creator. In other words, he believed in Science. But yet, it was his Spirit that was so strongly guiding me to find these answers after he passed. It was him pushing me to discover my Spiritual abilities. I’m getting a little bit off track – – in Proof Of Heaven, Eben Alexander satisfies the need for Scientific proof of an Afterlife, as he recollects the incredible near-death experience that left him in a coma, his miraculous recovery, and everything in-between. His story left a mark on me and opened a portal of possibilities to an Afterlife I had never thought of before.

These authors have all taken on the role of mentor or Spiritual advisor in my life, in one shape or form. Their gifts have changed my life for the better, and I want to pass them along to you. You may find some pieces of yourself in them.