Are you an Old Soul?

An Old Soul – ” A spiritual person whom is wise beyond their years

An Old Soul will love differently because this isn’t their first go ’round. They’ve spiritually evolved during their many incarnations. Within them lies lifetimes of wisdom. Whether aware of this or not, their soul remembers.

Have you always felt more matured than those around you? Old in heart, old in mind, old in soul? This usually is accompanied with gifts of empathy, strong intuition, and deep insight into the human experience. Sometimes described as feeling like an outsider looking in. As an Old Soul you may find it hard to relate to people in your age group – or in any age group for that matter. Some people never really grow up, or awaken to their Spirit. Not in this lifetime anyway. Eventually they will. As an Old Soul you’ll be drawn to those that do.

Old Souls aren’t satisfied with shallow conversations, materialistic gains or power trips. They know there is much more to life than money or external successes. They recognize their purpose here is to learn lessons, to give love, and to heal themselves and others.

Perhaps you’ve been told you are an Old Soul, or you recognize this in another. Here are some signs to look for ~

You’re sensitive – you feel things deeply and sense things in others without really trying. You feel emotions strongly and have a unique ability to understand others.

You’re a deep thinker – you’re more interested in the meaningful, intellectual side of life. Casual, everyday conversation tends to bore you. You find the exchange of small talk dissatisfying (insert eye roll) and prefer to dig deeper. On the flip side, overthinking can be painful at times and you may feel misunderstood by others. This comes with the territory.

You’re reflective and introspective – you know our actions have great impact. You review your life often and see yourself and others as Divine souls doing the best we can given our circumstances. You analyze situations and think about them with the whole picture in sight. It’s easy for you to step out of the current moment and view things from a birds eye perspective.

You’re down-to-earth – you’re not impressed by titles, degrees, or social status. Think, Shania Twain singing “That Don’t Impress Me Much”. These things are great and offer a sense of accomplishment, but you’re inspired more by kindness, generosity and compassion within others. Superficial doesn’t suite you. It’s got to be real or you’re not interested.

You prefer long lasting relationships – There’s no room for surface relationships in your life. You prefer strong and intense connections and form them quickly. You have difficulty understanding how some people have the ability to disconnect or detach from a relationship easily. You’re just not made that way. The bonds you create run deep and are hard to break.

You love hard – It’s the only way you know how. You see the interconnections we share as humans and have love for all. You love with your whole heart and wear it on your sleeve. You wonder why others don’t seem to love as strong as you do.

You are drawn to people older than you- You tend to befriend people or find romantic partners that are older than you. You find yourself more compatible with and attracted to those your senior. You appreciate their conversation and what you can learn from their wisdom. This goes back to not finding as much in common with people your own age.

People come to you for advice – You know how to listen without judgement. You look for the best in people and situations. You’re trusted for your insight and sought out for guidance. You enjoy helping others so this is usually welcome.

You forgive easily – you see yourself and others as imperfect humans who make mistakes. And because of this it’s easy for you to see past peoples flaws. You easily forgive people for their shortcomings. This can become tricky, in a don’t mistake my kindness for weakness sorta way. Forgiveness is a sign of strength, but it’s also important to not let people walk all over you.

Being an Old Soul is a blessing. You are a passionate & sensitive individual. You have the gift of connecting with people and reading their emotions. You take comfort in knowing that there is a force much bigger than any human on this planet. You know this, because your Soul has been doing this for a very long time <3