Authentically You | How owning your sh*t sets your soul free

Ever watch someone in their element doing what they love, and you can feel them living their truth – it’s a vibe that can’t be forced.

Me, Myself + I

This can’t be stressed enough; Spending time alone – real solid time – like a full day, or a full weekend, or as long as you can get, is Key to getting to know yourself. How often do you make time to do this? Your soul longs to be free. To beat to its own drum and do what it came here to do. When you practice solitude, you become closer to your truth. What brings you peace, and what needs to be healed, will be revealed.

Go Towards the Light

Not that light. The one that lives inside of you. The one that sparks a flame so big the rest of us can see it through your eyes. What speaks to your soul? Fills you with passion, and naturally pulls you in? That pull is your authentic self talking to you. When I was about 16 years old I discovered how drawn I was to the metaphysical world. No one had introduced me to the subject, yet in my hours spent perusing the Borders Book Store, I would find myself shacked up in the self-help aisle surrounded by books like How to Heal and Psychics of the Stars. It was my authentic self that led me there. What speaks to your soul?

The Dark Side

Every light has its shadow. The yin and yang of the Universe resides in all things, including us. If you’re familiar with shadow work, you know it can be a deep dive. In order to live authentically and set ourselves free, we must be willing to face the parts of our self we dislike most. Self awareness is a step towards self acceptance. With both of these, comes freedom! Shining a light on the dark is like getting a permit to consciousnesses. You’re on your way to authentic driving.

Don’t Let Other People Decide Who You Are

Living in fear of what others think of you is like living in prison. It’s a place no one wants to be. Disapproval can be painful, we all seek to be seen, heard, and accepted, but the way we show up in the world should be a byproduct of love, based on our authentic truths and desires. People pleasing, and seeking approval from the outside world keeps us from living a fully empowered life. Instead of living from our hearts we let others dictate our future. There’s an old saying: Everything we do is motivated by either love or fear. When we act from a place of love, we honor, protect and serve our truth. When we’re operating from a fear base, we’re blocking our authentic connection. Let your true spirit shine and your soul will be free.

Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.

~Brene Brown

Letting Go Of What No Longer Serves You

This includes people, places, and things. If it doesn’t bring you joy, doesn’t support your growth, or doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, lovingly let it go. Anything that keeps you down, will suppress your authentic self from rising. I have a client who reluctantly stayed in his four year relationship with his girlfriend, even though she did nothing but ridicule him, he was comfortable living with her and feared the thought of a break-up. After spending two weeks alone while his girlfriend was away visiting family, he found his voice. He followed the guidance of his soul, and set himself free.

Finding Your Own Unique Style

Like a weaved web of light, the authentic person wears a collective tapestry of inspiration. Taking a piece from here, and a thread from there, they create their own uniform. Think of artists like Madonna, Prince, or Gwen Stefani, or any artists you look up to (these are just a small few of my favorites) but please for the sake of this vision, insert any of your own here. What do they have in common besides being crazy talented?? Style. They stand apart from any other in their industry. Sure, they’ve had to have been influenced by those who have gone before them, but they developed their own flair. Maybe your style isn’t as eccentric as these, maybe you prefer something more subdued, whatever it is, if it feels true to you, comes from within your own heart, and sets your soul free, then you do you boo.

If I had a dime for every time someone criticized what I was wearing, made a snarky remark about a choice I was making, or had something to say about my work – I connect with the non-physical energies of the Universe for a living – It’s rather unconventional. But it’s what feels right for me. And I’ve never felt better because of it.

When we live authentically, not only do we honor our truest self – we inspire others to do the same. Imagine that, building a culture of authenticity. That’s a Journey I’m willing to take.
