Baby Thomas and the Rainbow Baby

I sat down to pull a few cards. (I’m always pulling cards) but this particular reading struck a cord. 

I pulled the Dream card

The reason this card struck me so hard, was because up until this, it had been awhile since I’d had a prolific dream. To the extent I actually spoke with my guides in spirit “hey guys,what’s up with the lack of dreams lately?I’m feeling pretty disconnected.” So when I pulled this card, I laughed and thought “okay, are you giving me a heads up my dreams are about to make a comeback??” I didn’t give it much more thought and turned in for the night. 

Somewhere, that night, deep within my REM sleep, I met with a boy named Thomas. Thomas had come to share a message with his mother. Thomas’s mother was present in the dream also, but I couldn’t clearly make out who she was – I knew that I knew her, and that she was alive in the physical realm. I also knew that Thomas was visiting from the spiritual realm, and that he was a “baby”. He was coming through to visit, to share a message with his mother, and identified himself as Baby Thomas.

As a medium, I’ve been having dreams like this most of my life. They don’t come often, and they aren’t always as clear as this one, but it seems the more I do this work, and consistently connect with souls in spirit, the easier it becomes to understand their messages.

Baby Thomas’s soul felt vibrant, bright, and expansive. His energy felt larger than life, and was filled with warmth and love. He was pushing through to share a message with his mother “please help my mother to understand that my soul is continuing its journey, and growing in spirit. I’ve already grown so much since the time I crossed over.  Please remind her that I’m with her and actively a part of her life – not just the memory of a baby that once was.” 

As I woke from my sleep Monday morning, I could still feel this dream swimming in my energy field. I couldn’t shake it. Spirit visitations usually feel this way. They are powerful experiences. Our soul recognizes their truth, and holds their imprint forever. I knew I had connected with Baby Thomas, but who did he belong to? And who is his mother?

Image by Harper Angel Boutique via Pinterest

Not long after I woke up, I reached for my phone to check my morning emails and social media updates. The first post I saw read: 

Rainbows remind us that even after the darkest clouds, and the fiercest winds, there is still beauty…Happy National Rainbow Baby Day🌈

I wasn’t yet certain, but something about this post felt connected to the dream I’d just had. As a working medium, I walk a strong ethical line – I will never push a message on someone not willing to receive it. I’ve also learned to resist the pull of impulsivity – passing along messages that come through me, must be clear, accurate, and warranted by the recipient.

I sat with the idea of the dream being connected to the post I had just saw, I checked with my gut first, I literally asked my intuition if the post and the dream were connected to each other, and if it were okay to proceed further. You can ask our intuition any question in this same way. A yes or no response will settle deep in your gut and you’ll feel its resounding truth. It should feel unattached to anxiety or fear. Even if feelings of nervousness surround the truth of your intuitive response, it should feel settled and grounded deep in your core. Tapping into yourself this way takes practice, but over time you’ll learn to trust it. 

Treading lightly, and still a little unsure, I messaged Veronica:

“Hi, good morning. I saw your post this morning, I had a strong dream last night about a baby passed named Thomas. I was connecting with his mother in the dream, I’m not sure who she is/was supposed to be, but Baby Thomas’s message for his mother was that his soul is continuing to grow on the Other Side. I’m not sure…I keep thinking of this dream, and then I saw your post. I thought I could share.”

Veronica responded: “My sons name was Sean Thomas.” 

That was enough confirmation for me. 

I’m not sure why souls in spirit sometimes choose to identify themselves or others by their middle name. It happens often in readings too. My only guess is that it holds some significance for them. It may be a name that was passed down from another family member, the name of another soul they are with in Heaven, or another special connection – again, I’m not really sure, but I am certain Baby Sean Thomas had come through for his mother, Veronica. 

I like to think about visitation dreams as exactly that – a visit with the soul of a loved one in spirit. A meeting of two souls on an energetic wavelength. Think of this; as I fell off to sleep that night, Veronica was saying her nightly prayers to her son in Heaven, thinking about the following day, and what it means to her – Rainbow Baby Day. She was feeling heightened emotions and sentimental feelings for her son, in honor of this.  Me, being extra sensitive to energies, and souls who have passed on, I simply absorbed Sean Thomas’s message of love for his mother. His soul was with her in the exact moments she was praying to him. 

This is why I love opening our energy to the divine guidance that is available in our dreams. Just a small shift in consciousness, can connect us with the loving presence of spirit. 

Veronica and Baby Kinsley, her rainbow after the storm 🌈

A note from Veronica:

“So Sean (her husband) and I were only together a few months when we found out we were pregnant. Shortly after we found out it was a boy (I’ve always wanted a boy) I was ecstatic! I began signing gifts and cards from him along with our names. He was so loved and wanted it was crazy! My family is all girls. There’s three of us, and we each have two daughters, so nine females. He was to be our first boy, and everyone was so excited. Early February, I started feeling some pain in my belly. It got pretty bad, so I went to the emergency room, and they did a sonogram. I saw him moving around and they didn’t give me any answers, they just told me to wait it out. The next morning I woke up with terrible pain. My water broke as I was on my way back from the bathroom, and Sean called the ambulance. When I got to the emergency room a lot was going on. They were talking around me, but not giving me any answers. Finally, I asked if I had lost my boy, and a nurse said there was no heartbeat. I don’t remember much after that. I wish I had held my baby before he was taken from me, but I was such a mess. I have his remains here with me now, but I do wish I held him. Six months later, I became pregnant with my rainbow after the storm. We now have two beautiful baby girls, and our family is complete. It comforts me to know that Sean Thomas is still with us, and was with me last night as I spoke to him in my prayers. This just made my life, thank you.” 

Thank you, Veronica for sharing your story. The souls we love never truly die. They stay with us as we continue our journey, and they continue on theirs. When our souls cross over to the Other Side, we’re still very much invested to the journey’s of the souls we’re connected with here. They’re rooting us on, and helping us.   

Heaven hears your prayers xo 

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