Be The Energy You Want To Attract

Keep your face always towards the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you – Walt Whitman

You’ve probably heard of the Law of Attraction by now – and rightfully so – it’s the pop star of its group. Out of the 12 Laws, this one gets the most play.

Universal Law is a system in continuous motion that governs our realities.

There are 12 Spiritual Truths that make up the Laws of our Universe. These Laws can be traced back to ancient Egyptian and Grecian cultures. These teachings have stood the test of time, in the fact that they have proven to be true over and over again throughout human existence. These 12 principles are used to guide our Spiritual growth.

You have used the Law of Attraction most of your life, probably without even realizing it. A piece of the LOA can be found within each of the other Laws (hence its popularity). While all 12 Laws are equally valuable on their own, they intertwine and intermix. The Law of Attraction is an important concept to grasp because of its significance in our day to day lives. Picture yourself like a giant magnet, pushing and pulling energy through your thoughts and emotions during your day. We’re continuously sending out clear signals that can work for or against us, whether we are aware of it or not.

The more you know, right?! So…

The Universal Laws are based on the understanding that everything in the Universe is made up of Energy. This is a fundamental truth that you will hear me announce on repeat. Everything is made up of Energy. Period. We’re talking physics here, not philosophy. Although, I personally didn’t attend physics class when I was in school, ( I was in a different Cosmo class – Cosmetology) this is something that can’t be denied . It’s Science. Once we understand that everything is Energy, the easier these ideas become.

The Law of Attraction is a key component in the power of manifestation. When you come from a place of Love, you will generate Love.

Thoughts are Energy. We have the power to choose our thoughts, and it is those thoughts that shape our reality. Everything begins with a thought. Positive thoughts bring positive experiences; negative thoughts bring negative experiences. It’s all about perception. Our experiences will match our Energy. If you go into a situation that you’re not really looking forward to, with thoughts of how horrible it’s going to be and how much you’re going to hate it, then that’s the experience you’re going to have. If you go into that same situation open-minded and willing to make the best of it, then that’s what will happen. The Universe will then reward your efforts by making it a more pleasant experience for not only you, but for those around you. Positive energy multiplies. We attract back more of what we put out. We reap what we sow.

The Universe responds to what we believe. You’ll be amazed at what you attract after you start believing in what you deserve.

The Law of Attraction brings to us what we expect to receive. If we expect Love, Prosperity, Health and Happiness, that’s what we’ll attract. We must first believe that we deserve these things, and then trust in the Universe to deliver the goods.

Put the Universe to Work

Place your order by aligning your thoughts with Love, Gratitude, and Welcoming Energy. Send the message to the Universe that you know what you want and believe that you are deserving of it. (Believing is a vital element, the Universe knows when intentions are pure.) Customize it to suit your needs. Get specific in what you’d like to attract into your life. I say Go Big or Go Home. Practice patience, persistence, and discipline while remaining open for the Universe to serve.

To Attract Better You Have To Become Better

I’m sure you’re familiar with the old adage ; misery loves company. Or the more recent ; your vibe attracts your tribe. To sync yourself with the higher frequencies of the Universe, you want to surround yourself with people, places and things that reflect your positive values and visions.

You set the tone for every relationship that you have. If you are generous, supportive, and loving; you’ll want to be around others who are generous, supportive, and loving. Everyone has a down day from time to time – we’re only human. But you want to keep your distance from those who swim in a constant stream of low vibes. You know the type..the Negative Nancy’s and Debbie Downers. I like to keep contact and conversation at a minimum with those sorts. They tend to suck the life right out of me.

Low Vibrational Energies to Avoid when in conversation :

  • complaining
  • worrying
  • judgment
  • jealousy
  • gossip

High Vibrational Energies to Lift The Mood:

  • gratitude
  • love
  • generosity
  • support
  • compliments

Just saying those words makes me feel lighter!

When negativity creeps into our thoughts – (and it will because that is human nature) – it’s up to us to flip the thought. Stop it in its tracks and grab hold of it before it grabs hold of you. Don’t beat yourself up for having those thoughts – they’re natural. Just turn it around. I hear Gloria Estefan’s Turn The Beat Around when I do this, but that’s not the point here. The point is, you want to go from negative to positive. (Biggie??…)

Okay, I’m done. Moving on…

You control your thoughts. You have the power to direct which way they will lead your life. It may take a little practice, but it will become second nature over time if you stick with it.

Affirmations are like little reminders. They’re simply powerful tools to help you become a more positive thinker.

They really work!

Post them around the house, the office, your car, set reminders on your phone. Repeat them several times a day. Before you know it, you’ve reprogrammed your subconscious thoughts.

A Daily Affirmation To Advance Your Law Of Attraction Practice:

It is easy for me to attract all that I need into my life. I do this by relaxing and trusting that things are going to work out perfectly.

When all is said and done ~Be the Love and Be the Light you wish to attract