How to Practice Automatic Writing

When we’re feeling stuck and looking for sound advice the best place to turn is within. Automatic Writing creates a clear channel where natural Spiritual Guidance can flow. My dear friend Sam, recently made a big move and walked away from her abusive marriage. Fueled by empowerment and excitement, she committed herself to elevating her……

Hello From The Other Side

You know those knock your socks off, stop you dead in your tracks moments, when you receive a Sign straight from Heaven? The ones where you can’t believe your eyes, as if it were placed there just for you? When you believe beyond what your eyes can see…Signs from Heaven show up to remind you,……

The Clairs

Photo Credit: Asja Boros

Photo Credit: Asja Boros Clair is the French word meaning “clear”. It is used as an American prefix to describe the psychic senses. Just like we use our five basic senses of touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing, to understand and perceive the world around us, there are four main senses used to interpret spiritual……

How to connect with your Spirit Guides through Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are a time honored method used to connect you to Heaven, The Universe, your Angel’s, your Spirit Guides and your Higher Self, in order to receive Divine guidance. The word Oracle comes from the ancient Latin word “Orare” which means to speak. Angel or Oracle cards are a divination tool used to directly……

When Spirit Warns You

Like most of you, I depend on my phone for just about everything. I’m heavy on social media, for business and personal, and I take tons of photos. Recently the storage space on my phone (I use a Samsung. I’m one of those, -I know) became dangerously low. My internal storage was full. The system……