Chakra Energy

Updadted 8.16.2020

Chakras are the energy centers of the body. Chakra is a Sanskirt word meaning “wheel”. Each center holds a spinning wheel of energy. Energy is constantly flowing through and around our bodies. It is this energy that makes up our physical and emotional being. The more connected you are energetically, the healthier you will feel. Once you become aware of your own energy, and that everything around us is made of energy, you can start to open up your Chakra centers. Some of your Chakras may already be open and healthy, while others may be blocked and holding onto some emotional pain. When we realize how intertwined our physical, spiritual and emotional health are, the more in-tune we become with ourselves and the easier it becomes to heal ourselves.

There are many energy points throughout the body, here we will focus on the seven main chakras.

As you read along, imagine these centers within your body. Which ones feel open and free-flowing to you? Which ones feel blocked. heavy or restricted?

Once you recognize which of your Chakras may be carrying some weight or feel static, you can begin to heal them. This requires some effort on your part, but recognizing and bringing awareness to the centers that need healing, is your first step. You can then focus on clearing and opening for a healthy flow of energy. There are many guided chakra meditations available online to help with this, as well as physical practices such as yoga or having some energy work done by a Reiki practitioner. Repeating affirmations is also a useful tool to build positive momentum within the mind & body.

Root or Base Chakra

One. Root or Base Chakra

Each Chakra is associated with its own color. The color energy of the Root Chakra is red.

This energy center is located at the base of the spine. This connects us to Earth and all of our earthly issues. Such as, security, survival, finances, and our physical body. When in balance, this chakra is grounded energy, leaving us feeling safe and secure.

You can open this chakra by doing anything that connects you to Earth. Being outdoors, gardening, planting your feet in the sand or water, are all grounding. Energize this chakra to strengthen your right to “have”. Imagine a big ruby red ball of light spinning at the base of your spine and Affirm: “I Have”. I have a Divine right to a safe home, a fulfilling career, and infinite abundance. All of my material needs are met. Remember, your words determine your outcome. Choose only positive words to describe your home, career and finances.

Sacral Chakra

Two. Sacral Chakra This is the second chakra. Its color is orange. It is located two fingers below the navel.

This is the center for pleasure, enjoyment, creativity and sexuality. It relates to emotions and desires. To activate this chakra visualize a glowing ball of bright orange light radiating in your lower abdomen. When open, this chakra attracts creativity, joy and passion into your life.

Affirm: ” I Want” Clearly decide upon your true desires and know that you’re ready and deserving of them.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Three. Solar Plexus Chakra. Color: Yellow

Located above your navel, just below your rib cage. This is your power house. This center is connected with wisdom, will-power, self esteem, and confidence. This is where you pull energy from to take responsibility of your life and independence.

This is a major psychic reception area. This is the energy center that governs that “gut feeling”, and inner knowing we have.

When this chakra is open and activated, you feel completely authentic with yourself and others. To strengthen this chakra, see a huge brilliant sun beaming in the center of your torso. Affirm: ” I Can”. It is safe for me to be powerful and take charge of my life in positive ways.

Heart Chakra

Four. Heart Chakra. Color: Green

Promotes self-love, healing, and love for others. Located parallel to your heart. This is the link between mind, body, and soul.

The heart chakra is a personal favorite of mine. I feel a strong connection with it. I work hard at operating from this center in all that I do. The heart chakra represents unconditional love, compassion, harmony, relationships, and healing.

To open this chakra, imagine your heart opening and sending out unconditional love. Then see this love return to you tenfold.

Affirm: “I Love”. Be open to giving and receiving love.

Throat Chakra

Five. Throat Chakra. Color: Blue

The energy of this chakra provides us with the ability to communicate in truth and love. Located in the throat area. Connected to the thyroid.

This chakra is associated with communication, sound, self expression, and speech. Singers, writers, speakers, and musicians have active throat chakras. This chakra encourages us to speak our truth in a clear and kind manner.

Affirm: ” I Speak”. I lovingly speak my truth, I speak up for myself assertively and lovingly.

To energize this chakra, use your voice.

Third Eye Chakra

Six. Third Eye Chakra. Inner seeing. Color: Indigo.

Located between the two physical eyes. This is your visual intuitive center. Here is where you visually receive intuitive inner guidance.

This chakra controls intuition and higher levels of consciousness. It works closely with the throat and crown chakras. It helps with intuitively knowing what others are thinking, feeling, and saying. To open this chakra, close your eyes and practice visualizing within your “minds eye”.

Affirm: ” I See”. I see the energy of love in all of its forms.

Crown Chakra

Seven. Crown Chakra. Color: Violet

This is the energy center that connects a person to their higher self, angels, and to the Divine consciousness. The crown chakra is your link to the Universe, wisdom, and spiritual insight.

Located at the top of the head, it is where light and energy are received and dispersed throughout your energy field for total well-being.

To activate this chakra, imagine a lotus flower in its bud stage, on top of your head. See it blossom. As it opens see the white sparkling light of Heaven shower down, filling the lotus and your entire aura. When this chakra is open your sending a signal to the Universe that you are open to receiving Divine guidance and love.

Affirm: ” I Know”. I know the Divinely guided ideas I receive are messages sent to me as answers to my prayers. I trust in this knowingness.

Your body is a remarkable energy field, that will positively respond to loving treatments. Activating your chakras will keep healthful energy flowing and lead to a more fulfilling life. Freeing yourself of energetic baggage is the ultimate self-care act. Check in with yourself regularly to feel which chakras are in or out of balance. You’ll thank yourself for making this Mind, Body, Spirit connection.
