Connecting to your intuition

Intuition is the way the subconscious mind communicates with the conscious mind.

You may or may not be familiar with the Chakras or spiritual energy centers within the human body. Located in the center of our body lies the Solar Plexus Chakra. This energy center spins just behind our navel, at the core of our body. It is this energy wheel that controls our confidence, self-esteem, and our power within the world. This is the seat of our intuition.

We are all born with an internal GPS system. It is an innate sense that guides us. It’s how we get that gut feeling that something is off – or something’s not right. We get these feelings about people we meet, spaces we enter, relationships or situations we find ourselves in.

This energy center holds valuable knowledge. Your intuition will sense things way before your logical mind can.

Think of a time you just knew in your gut, something wasn’t right. Even when everything else was telling you it was okay. Or think of that relationship or person that just gave you a bad feeling but you didn’t know why. Only to later learn you were right about them all along.

Like any muscle in our bodies, the more you exercise your intuition, the stronger it becomes. At the start of my day, when I’m in the shower, I like to imagine a cord coming from my core, plugging into the outlet of the Universe. Connecting me to the knowledge of my intuition. Doing this, I’m allowing the Universe to send me clear signals as to where I should go, and what I should avoid.

Here’s a little exercise for you to use to practice strengthening your intuition: The next time you’re driving in your car and you hit some traffic, tune into your intuition and ask it to guide you a different way. Around the traffic. The key here is to Trust. You may find this difficult if you’re not used to following your gut for this kind of thing. See where it takes you. If you really listen, and follow it’s direction, you’ll get around that traffic on the best possible route. But you really need to listen! When you learn to do this, and trust your inner guidance, your life begins to flow in the right direction, easier and faster.

It’s when we resist this guidance that we make mistakes or take the long way around to get where we need to be. Think of a time your guidance was spot on and you listened without hesitation. Now, think of a time you chose not to listen to this guidance. What happened? You probably did something you can see now, that you shouldn’t have done or could have done better. Or, you prolonged the process of getting where you wanted to be. It’s that I should’ve known better feeling. Guess what – you did know better. Your gut already told you. You just chose not to listen. We’ve all done this. The more we work with our intuition, the less mistakes we make. And the more we will start seeing the results in our life that we want to see.

I use my intuition all of the time! Down to the smallest of tasks or decisions. Should I continue this job? Should I tell my mother that I accidentally lost the earrings she just gave me for my birthday, now? (This really has happened – sorry Mom) Or should I wait? She’s gonna be so upset. Maybe this isn’t the best time.

When we ask ourselves questions, and engage with our inner dialogue, we’re connecting to our intuition and asking it for the answer. Our intuition is Always right. It’s our logical, analytical mind and/or ego that dismiss it. And that often gets us into trouble.

In my work, I rely on my “inner knowingness” all of the time. It’s one of the ways in which I connect with Spirit to deliver messages. I’ve learned to trust the messages I intuitively receive. And they’ve never failed me. So many times clients or friends will ask, “how did you know that?!” I can only explain it as a strong inner knowing. I trust it, I believe in it, and I allow it to guide the way.

When you’re struggling with decisions – big or small, tap into your guidance. Take a few moments – or longer, to listen to what it tells you. Your intuition will always give you loving, peaceful advice. Anything else is coming from your ego. It will never steer you towards anger, aggression, spite or anything harmful.

When you learn to follow your intuition, you gain control of your life. You’ll be lead to the right choices and the life you are meant to live.

Affirm: My intuition guides me to people, places, and jobs that I enjoy.