Cut Your Cords

We all have cords of attachment. Energetic cords are created between you and any person in your life that you have shared a significant relationship with.

Some of these cords are healthy and grew from Love. They include trust, openness, freedom, forgiveness, respect, compassion, acceptance and understanding. Some of these cords are tangled and webbed. They’ve been built of fear or toxic energy. Any emotions that are not based in Love, are based in Fear. You know the ones; anger, sadness, resentment, jealousy, guilt, judgment, frustration, insecurity and so on.

We will find our strongest cords with those we share our deepest connections with. Like our parents, our children, our friends and lovers. Over time, as relationships grow, energies build. Situations and emotions arise. Misunderstandings, confrontations, arguments, and other fear based reactions may occur. Anytime you experience fear within a relationship, a cord is created and attached to both parties. This is natural, and nothing to feel guilty about.

However, it’s healthy to cut these cords. We want to cut the source of toxic energy from draining the flow of love within the relationship. Even relationships that are healthy and strong, can accumulate negative energy. One way to do this, is to imagine freeing yourself from any destructive patterns within the relationship. When you feel drained by negativity or toxic energy build-up between you and your significant other, (whomever that may be – not exclusive to a romantic partner) it’s time to cut those cords and release them. They no longer serve you or the relationship.

In a quiet place to yourself, think of the relationship or situation you would like help with. Visualize the cords of fear and toxicity that have formed. Imagine them as tubes of flowing energy. A negative cord will feel like a clogged tube. The goal here is to cleanse and restore a healthy flow of energy. Now, with your eyes closed, imagine a knight in full garb ( yes, a knight in shining armor ). If you are comfortable working with the angelic realm, you may want to call upon Archangel Michael and ask for his assistance here. What’s important is that you imagine a strong figure who holds a sword of divinity. The angel comes to clear your way. Together, you cut through any negative ties that bind . Really imagine breaking these chains and discarding them. Leaving behind only the love that connects you.

When you feel these cords have been slashed and diminished, allow your breath to carry out these negative patterns and release them. Remember, this is energy work. If you are new to spiritual practices, this exercise may sound silly. But if done correctly, and with pure intent, it will leave you feeling lighter and more loving towards your relationship. Freeing you to move forward without the energetic gunk clogging the system. Be sure to thank your knight or angel for their assistance. Repeat whenever necessary <3