Hello From The Other Side

You know those knock your socks off, stop you dead in your tracks moments, when you receive a Sign straight from Heaven?

The ones where you can’t believe your eyes, as if it were placed there just for you?

When you believe beyond what your eyes can see…Signs from Heaven show up to remind you, Love never dies.

Signs require focused energy from both sides of the veil. The Other Side works to push between the space of two worlds to grab our attention, to let us know they’re still there watching over with love and concern. While we must be awake to the possibility of a message designed just for us. Our receivers turned on to accept the signal.

Death ends a life, not a relationship

Marie married her husband Patrick when she was 32 years old. The two of them lived together married for 5 years before their beautiful daughter was born. They started a business together, and traveled when they could. They had crossed an ocean to visit Ireland, flew to Hawaii and drove down to New Orleans . One stop on Paddy’s bucketlist was Turning Stone Resort & Casino in Upstate New York. He told Marie he wanted to go there sometime, maybe one day for her birthday. Over the next few years their marriage took some tumultuous turns and fell apart. They never made it up to Verona for a weekend. They divorced after their daughters 5th birthday. Marie’s parents had raised two strong, loving, and compassionate women – Marie, being one of them. Married or not, when her ex-husbands health was in shambles, Marie stuck by his side to the very end. Patrick died of kidney failure in 2019. Leaving their only daughter behind – fatherless. A sense of relief for a family laden with worry , he would no longer be suffering , but that worry was now replaced with a hole in their hearts. A few short months after Paddy’s passing, Marie was having a tough day. While at work at her restaurant, she began to pray to Patrick. She asked for his help. She asked if he were really listening, to please send her a sign.

When the two women she had been serving, finished squaring up their bill, Marie went over to clear their table. She noticed they left behind a small notepad. She thought that‘s unusual. People typically don’t leave notepads behind. As she picked the pad up, she noticed the words written on top Turning Stone Resort & Casino. Huh! She thought, that’s the place Patrick mentioned he wanted to take me to years ago. What was the name of that town upstate? Something with a V. Her eyes wandered down to the bottom of the paper. The address read: 5218 PATRICK Road . Verona, New York. Oh my God! She thought. This is my sign! No one would ever know what this was except for me & him! Confirming that Patrick was indeed listening to her prayers, and wasn’t very far at all. I asked Marie to re-tell me this story, so I could include it in this post. She said, the way it unfolded – I’ll never forget that feeling. I couldn’t forget her story either.

Signs make us feel good. They make us feel connected. They reassure us of what we already know in our hearts.

There’s always another layer of awareness and understanding to be discovered through synchronistic events.

Look back on the times in your life where you can see someone or something was guiding you. To comfort you in times of need, or to open your eyes to take a closer look at something. Letting you know you’re not alone and steering you towards the right path.

Trust what you see. Sign language is very personal. There is unique individual meaning for each of us. What may mean one thing to someone, can have a completely different meaning for another. Birds, coins, songs, feathers, numbers, clouds, names, insects, animals, and shooting stars are familiar signs. We can request specific signs from our guides, guardian angels and loved ones. When you’re feeling stuck or confused, or just need a reminder that there’s an angel watching over you, you can ask to be shown a sign that’s special and specific to you.

Practice patience. The signs will come.

Sometimes our grief can get the best of us. We search for signs in everything we do, everywhere we go. While that can be helpful and sometimes accurate guidance, try not to go out and look for them. Let them come to you naturally. (Like that man you’ve been praying for. I said you, not me 😉 You want the showstoppers. That undeniable feeling to accompany your sign. The ones you have to call your best friend to tell about, cause you just know that was something!

Spirit can be pretty clever when it comes to signs. The more you learn to speak the language, the more recognizable they’ll become. Signs are interactive tools used to communicate messages between Heaven & Earth. They’re intended to encourage us, and bring us peace.

My hope is that you feel them all around you. None of us are ever truly alone.

Death is not the end. There’s more than this. I know you miss your loved one – I miss mine too. They’re not far – just unseen. Still interacting, still alive, more vibrant than ever. Without pain or weights of this world. Free from earthly limits and restrictions. Able to see clearly, and show you the way, towards Love and Peace. They’re happy, they’re safe, and they want the same for you.

~ Heather