
I am a firm believer that when two paths cross, there is something meant to be shared between them. If you have found your way here, we’ve connected for a reason. I’m Heather, and I am happy to have you join me on

A Radiant Journey

The Universe has a funny way of revealing beautiful little glimpses into a world unknown, to let us know there’s more than what we see before us. We are all connected to a force much greater than ourselves. I believe together, we are here to help one another heal & grow. The lessons we learn are meant to be shared to remind each other that we’re not alone.

I began exploring the practice of self-healing at 18 years old. It took a lot of living for me to learn that nothing outside of you, is going to fix you. My continuous study of inner-work has guided me to a lifestyle based in intuition & following your heart. I’m at a place now, where I feel called to share this with others.

Along the way, I’ve learned a lot about self-love, the human experience, our connections to one another, and our never ending link with loved ones who have passed on. I have learned that we are all part of a Soul Family that’s here working to become the best versions of our selves. Our Spirit Team on the Other Side stays with us, ready and waiting to assist and guide us along our path.

Each of us have our own special, individual energy. When we honor and care for ourselves in mind, body and spirit, we amplify this energy and pave our way to living our best life. It all begins within.

For me, Intuitive Living is a lifestyle.

~ Heather Xx

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