How it all started for me

Loosing my father suddenly and unexpectedly in 2011, was one of the hardest experiences I’ve ever gone through.

Him and I were very close. I was forever his little girl, and I absolutely adored him. Our relationship wasn’t perfect, but our love was strong. When he died, my heart was broken. It left me searching for answers. Wondering where he had gone – how was he just here..and now he’s not?

This propelled me down a path of spiritual exploration.

I did not grow up in a religious home. Religion was not something that was imposed on me, whatsoever. Maybe it’s because of this, that I found myself drawn to spirituality. I’ve always felt a strong connection to a presence I could not see, but that I could feel with me throughout my life. I’ve always believed in God and felt guardian angels by my side. I would talk to my grandmother (who passed away when I was six) as if she were always with me.

I’d had psychic experiences and a strong sense of intuition since I was a child. I’d get a vision or a sense of something happening before it did. I’d get impressions of people I’d just met, and know immediately what kind of person they were on a deeper level. I thought this was normal. This is how it always was for me.

As I grew older, I’d find myself reading peoples energy, and it had a profound affect on me. Positive or negative, I would absorb the energy that was around me. I was highly sensitive to it – but I had no idea what it meant. I knew I felt a little different. I could see that not everyone was experiencing this the way I was. I just let it be.

When my father passed away, it was as if the gates flew open. My connection to him felt stronger after his death than it had when he was alive. It felt as though he was guiding me towards discovering my truth. To put the pieces together and understand what I had been experiencing my whole life – my strong intuitive connection to the other side.

I began reading and researching. I read tons of books, articles and blogs about energy, death and the human conscious. I read books written by neurosurgeons on near death experiences and what happens when we die. I also read books on mediumship, written by practicing mediums and what they had to offer in their knowledge from the readings they had given. I was looking for a link between science and spirituality. I wanted to know what each had to say about death and the afterlife. I took classes and courses to further develop my psychic abilities. I attended workshops and seminars to help me better understand what I was experiencing.

I sucked it all in like a sponge. I had a few readings myself that brought spiritual insight to the path I was on. One of which I was told tat I could do this work too. This is the work I was meant to be doing. That was huge confirmation and validation for me. I worked one on one with spiritual teachers who helped mentor me and craft my abilities. I learned how to give readings and deliver messages from Spirit.

I knew in my heart I had found my life’s purpose. This is the work I was brought here to do – to Shine a Light on Your Path.