How to connect with your Spirit Guides through Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are a time honored method used to connect you to Heaven, The Universe, your Angel’s, your Spirit Guides and your Higher Self, in order to receive Divine guidance.

The word Oracle comes from the ancient Latin word “Orare” which means to speak. Angel or Oracle cards are a divination tool used to directly link the communication between you and your Spiritual Team. At any given time throughout your life, you have your own team of Spiritual beings ready to assist you with guidance, love, insight, and support. Their main role is to watch over you. Your Spirit Guides are always with you, even when you are unaware of their presence. These Heavenly beings want to assist you in every area of your life. Your Guides are powerful, loving messengers of the Divine.

Oracle cards are safe and easy to use. They attract only loving Divine energy. Light attracts light. When your intentions are set in love & light – love & light is what you receive. The cards operate within the Law of Attraction. You magnetically draw upon the card that matches your current vibration. They respond to your personal vibe.

Unlike the Tarot, Oracle cards are less structured. The Tarot is a more complex and advanced Divination tool. Oracle cards are less rigid and more laid back – like me 🙂 While I do use the Tarot as a Divine vehicle in readings, here we are discussing Oracle Cards. The Tarot takes more time to study. We’ll save that for another post. The important thing to know is that, both Tarot and Oracle Cards provide a direct link to the Divine.

Alright, now that we have a little background, let’s get into how to use these babies.

You can purchase your Oracle Cards at a Spiritual Shop, online, even Barnes & Noble carry some. I have purchased decks from all of these places. My advice when deciding on what deck to choose, is to go with what speaks to you. What are you drawn to? There are a wide variety of Oracle Card categories. See what resonates for you and go with it! There are all sorts out there. Angel cards, Spirit Animals, Affirmation cards, just to name a few. Most are vibrantly colored and showcase artwork and imagery that sparks your intuitive imagination. Choose a deck that pleases your senses – you want to like what you see! Once you have your deck you’re a step closer to increasing your connection with Spirit.

Most Oracle Card decks will come with a guidebook to explain how to use the cards to deepen your connection. We learn to access Divine guidance by simply going inward. Your guidebook will offer a variety of card spreads for you to choose from. Some are more intricate than others. You can simply follow the step by step instructions provided in your book to read for yourself or others.

I use Oracle Cards on the regular. I like to start my day by pulling a card for daily guidance. Here’s what you do:

STEP 1. Take a few deep breaths and center yourself. Shift your awareness inward. As with all spiritual work, set your intention – you’re looking to connect with your Spirit Team. Call in your angels, your guides, love and light. Say a short prayer for protection. (Your guidebook will provide you with sample prayers.) Ask for clear Divine guidance in the highest good for all. Ask for it to be accurate and specific.

Step 2. Focus your reading with a question. When pulling a card for daily guidance, you might ask; “what do I need to focus on today?” Heaven can hear your thoughts. You do not need to say this aloud – although, you can if you like. You can ask a more specific question or ask about a particular topic. You might say ” show me my relationship with so and so…” Spirit will always answer with Divine love, truth and wisdom. As with all readings, you may not get the answers you want – but you’ll get the answers you need.

Everyday I’m Shuffling

Step 3. Shuffle your cards. There’s no right or wrong way to do this, but the cards are delicate and you’d like to keep them in good shape, so I don’t recommend shuffling them the same way you would a deck of playing cards. That actually makes me twitch a little when I see it. You’re bending your cards. You don’t want to bend your cards. I like to fan the cards out on my bed or a flat surface and “feel my way” like Olivia Newton John. (I actually hear that song in my head as I do it). Sit back for a moment and look at the cards. Which card are you drawn to? Another thing I do A LOT, because I’m super Clairaudient ( the gift of clear hearing – hence the Olivia Newton John) is listen for a number in my mind. When I hear the number I then count that number of cards with my finger and pull that card. It’s common to have a card “jump” or “fly” out of the deck as you’re shuffling. Use this card in your reading. It holds meaning for you. Again, you can’t make a mistake here. Do what feels good.

Step 4. Look at your card. The picture holds meaning too. Before you read the text on the card, observe the artwork. Study the details. What feelings does it bring up for you? Trust your first impression as you look at it. Now read the card itself. Notice any thoughts, feelings, or visions that come to you. These are additional messages from your angel’s and guides.

Step 5. Read the guidebook. Go to the corresponding page within the book to find the written message. As you read through, you will notice some things hit stronger than others. Not everything will fit. I always say “take what resonates with you, and leave the rest”. Don’t take the message word for word. Read between the lines. What stands out for you? How does it apply to you in this moment? There are almost always parts that will be spot on. Remember, the card you pull is matching your current frequency. Your card could have one meaning for you today, and an entirely different meaning the next time you pull it. I’ve learned this over time. The more familiar you become with your deck, the more you will understand the meanings the cards have and what they mean for you. Sometimes you’ll pull a card with so much accuracy it will blow your mind.

Step 6. Trust. Even if the cards don’t make sense, trust that you drew the right one. As your intuition builds and develops this will become easier. Thank your Guides and Angels for their messages. As your day unfolds the reading may take on greater meaning. It may take some time before you fully understand it. Have fun and trust in the process!