How to find your Happy

I haven’t written a blog post in a minute – but I did today! (Yay!) It’s short and it’s sweet, and I knew it complete, when I wore a younger mans clothes. (You know I’m in flow when I start reciting song lyrics – ( Thank you, Billy.)

I post a lot of positivity, and that’s real talk. Positive, I try to stay – but happy I am always Not. No one is.

How Can We Get To Feeling Good When We’re Feeling Not So Good

For me, I like to feel all emotions as they come – they are part of the human experience (hello empath), but I don’t like to sit in unhappiness or negativity for too long. So how do we get back to happiness?

Know That You Deserve Happiness

And the best way to bring it into your life is to be a source of it. We’re going to encounter negative situations and emotions, but how long we stay there is up to us. We’re hardwired to notice and store negative experiences more than positive ones. This is connected to our primal brain which thousands of years ago, helped alert us to danger. You’re having a great day, something starts to go wrong, and now all that greatness goes out the window. You’re focused on the negative.

Look For The Bright Side

Know when to press STOP on the spin cycle of negativity. When you feel yourself sliding down a negative slope, pause to appreciate something beautiful that makes you smile. This helps to override the negativity, shifting your attention away from a stressful situation. A song. A moment in nature. A time out to just sit with a loved one. It’s about redirecting your brain to a positive, pleasant experience.

Reach Out

According to studies, the happiest people have rich and fulfilling relationships. As humans, we aren’t meant to go it alone. We crave positive connections. When we’re feeling down, it’s easy to want to isolate. Some time spent alone may be just what you need, but don’t linger on your lonesome for too long. Reach out to a friend and initiate a conversation. Be honest and let them know how you’re feeling, but stay away from harping on what’s bringing you down. (Remember, like attracts like. We’re looking to feel better, not keep spinning the negative.) Then shift the dialog to a pick-me-up. Choose wisely! Call the friend who’s most likely to make you laugh!

What goes around comes around. Keep your circle positive. Speak good words. Think good thoughts. Do good deeds. – Learning in Life

Be In The Present

I say this one a lot, cause it holds weight…Happiness is here Not there. Finding the gifts within the present moment, being genuinely content and grateful for all that we have in the now, is key to attracting more happiness. Get your brain concentrating on what is working in your life. Don’t push happiness into the future.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

From a spiritual standpoint, we are all here to learn lessons. Life is one big lesson, and Earth is one big school. We’re not all taking the same class, we’re not all on the same grade level, or attending the same university. We are on our own individual, unique, path. The more in-tune you become with your own energy, the more you align your authenticity with your true nature – the less concerned you become with what everyone else’s life looks like – because your living YOUR truth. You wouldn’t compare an apple to an orange, would you? They’re both in the fruit family, but they are not the same. You go ahead and be that delicious donut peach that you are. Life would be pretty boring if there were only apples and oranges.


Meditation comes in many shapes and sizes. Simply closing our eyes and slowing down our breath signals our nervous system to chill out. For me, meditation looks like a long walk outdoors – alone. You may prefer guided meditation apps, sitting in a dim lit room in silence, cooking a meal for your family, going for a swim, or journaling. Find what works for you. The idea is to do something cathartic and healing. Something that soothes your soul. Making this a habit will allow your conscious brain to go on standby and your subconscious to take over. This is where our inner knowingness lives. Our peace and divine intuition. The more in touch we are with this part of ourselves, the happier we are.

And finally,

Live Your Life On Purpose

There’s a local meteorologist that I love to watch. His job is like many others in his field – to predict and study weather conditions. And while lots of meteorologists do a fine job at giving a forecast ( maybe this is debatable), this particular guy (those of you who know me well, know who I’m talking about! My family jokes and says I have a crush on him. I do not.)…this particular guy… is so passionate about his work, it emanates in every report he gives. Why? Because he loves what he does. He believes in his work. And he stands by his words. This is what attracts me to him. His passion. His fire.

When we do what we love, when we align our actions so that they match our values and inner knowingness of what’s right for us, we shine. When we simply go through the motions, operate on auto-pilot day in and day out, we’re left feeling unrewarded, unsatisfied, and ultimately, unhappy. Life feels right when we’re following our heart, listening to our inner guidance system and acting accordingly.

When thinking about what your life should feel like, does it match up with what your life looks like? What lights you up and gets you excited? What comes naturally to you? Life shouldn’t feel like something that just happens to you. You’re so much more than that. Do what truly matters to you. Align your values and beliefs with your actions. Put love behind everything you do, and you’ll be happy in a million ways.

Live a Life you Love