How to Meditate in the Shower like a Pro

Who has time to mediate? Who can sit still and quiet their mind that long? Those are some typical internal responses we have at the thought of a meditation practice. But meditation doesn’t always have to be sitting cross legged on the floor in the Ohm position. Many of us think we don’t have time to meditate, or we don’t know how. There’s lots of variations and ways to connect to Source energy. Find a style that works for you, and get it in where you can. The conditions in the shower make for the perfect time and place to go within – meditation style.

A Natural State of Mind

When we’re in the shower, our minds naturally begin to settle. Our thoughts drift off while we are temporarily away from outside noises and distractions. We are alone with ourselves. Taking this time to call in the light of the Universe is an act of love and self-care. An easy-peasy way to incorporate meditation into your daily practice.

Set Your Intention

As with all Spiritual work, setting your intention is equally as important as the action itself. When your intention is pure, the Universe will respond in loving ways. Begin by setting a mindful tone before getting into the shower. Maybe you dim the lights, light a candle or set some calming music on play. I like to burn a small piece of sage just before I step in the shower. A quick wave across my body to cleanse my aura. These steps do take a little extra time to prepare, but once they become part of your routine it’ll take no time at all.

Start with Three Cleansing Breaths

Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness

Once you’ve gotten into the shower, start to center yourself and begin to bring your attention within. Begin by taking a deep breath in through your nose for the count of three, holding the breath for three counts, then slowly release the breath for three counts. Repeat this twice more for a total of three repetitions. This is a 3-3-3 method of breath work, used to align energy and connect intuitively.

Call in the Light

After you’ve centered yourself through your breath, it’s time to call in your team of light. This particular meditation is know as White Light Protection. It’s used to cleanse and protect your energy. Call on your loved ones, guides, Angles, God, and all those in Heaven you wish to assist you. Ask them to bless you and protect you now and always. Thank them, and offer a prayer of love and gratitude back to them. As the warm water showers down upon you, imagine a brilliant light from the Divine showering you with healing love.

Let the Light Shine in

Welcome the bright light of Heaven in through your Crown Center. Your crown center connects you with Spirit, and Divine Source Energy. Feel this radiant white light pour in through the crown of your head. Reaching down to fill your entire being. Visualize any toxic energy you’re holding onto, being erased and cleansed by Universal light. Imagine this protective white light flowing through you like electricity. Running up and down your body, bursting out of every pore. Every space within your body, every cell, every molecule is now filled with pure positive energy.

Cleanse Your Soul

As you cleanse your physical body, let the water that washes over you, cleanse your mind and spirit. Wash away negative thoughts and feelings. Clear the pathways and open to channels of Divine healing love. Universal White Light now shines through you. Connecting you to Heaven and Earth. Ask that this loving energy stay with you throughout your day.

The more we learn to be mindful and live in the present moment, the more our minds become free from worry

A Fresh Start

As you finish your shower, feel the sense of renewed energy within you. You’ve cleansed your mind and washed negativity away. The slate is now clean…and so are you!

Each day there is a new beginning, a new chance, a new hope, a new light!

That’s it. You’ve just successfully completed a White Light Meditation all in a days shower. How’s that for multi-tasking!