When we’re feeling stuck and looking for sound advice the best place to turn is within. Automatic Writing creates a clear channel where natural Spiritual Guidance can flow.
My dear friend Sam, recently made a big move and walked away from her abusive marriage. Fueled by empowerment and excitement, she committed herself to elevating her life. It took guts and courage. We caught up over the phone the other day, I listened as Sam shared how the transition has shifted her power, to feelings of defeat. “I feel like my energy is tapped. I somehow need to reset.” she said.
Life is constantly presenting us with choices, changes, and decisions that are not always easy to make on our own. The ones that keep us lying awake at night, wracking our hearts with fear and doubt. Leaving us overwhelmed and clouded with confusion. Automatic Writing is a Spiritual Tool used to help clear your thoughts and gain insight from your loving Guides in Spirit.
When we get out of our own way, and allow light to be our guide, our best path becomes clear.
Tap In
Through Automatic Writing we open ourselves to a Higher Consciousness for answers, guidance, and direction. With practice you can learn to tap-in to your personal Team of Light and gain the insight that you need. We have the power to influence the outcome of any situation. Automatic Writing connects you to your authentic being (Higher Self) who knows your souls purpose and what you came here to learn. Connecting to your Higher Self allows a stream of light consciousness to flow through you and show you the way forward. There’s lots of ways to connect – this is a beginners guide to Automatic Writing.
Here’s How To Do It
Start with a Prayer
When working with the subtle energies of the Universe, we want to call on only high vibrational beings. Like, God, the Angels, our Spirit Guides and Higher Selves. Begin with a short prayer by mentally inviting in your personal Team. It doesn’t need to be formal or fancy, you might say something like “I ask that only those who walk in white light step forward to offer me guidance in the highest and greatest good for all concerned.” You may also ask for protection from the Angels, your favorite Saint, an Ascended Master or another Spiritual Being you wish to connect with. Release any fear-based thoughts and set the intention to vibe high!
Set the Scene
In order to really raise your energy field and channel true divine guidance, you’ll want to tune out all distractions and surround yourself with things that bring you peace and relaxation. Light a candle, cleanse your aura by burning a piece of white sage, or dab on a few of your favorite essential oils. Whatever gets you in the mood.
Breathe Deeply
Sit somewhere comfortable with pen and paper at hand. Begin to center yourself by closing your eyes, and slowly deepening your breath. Holding the intention to connect with your Guides in Spirit. Stay here until you feel your body soften and your mind relax. Breathe.
Pen to Paper
The hands are extensions of the heart. Journaling is an opportunity to cathartically release emotional and energetic blocks (getting unstuck). Practicing Automatic Writing is similar, only here we are turning off the analytical or conscious thoughts and making room for the soul to speak. The goal is to see through the unfiltered lens of spirit. As you touch your pen down to paper, you begin to activate a quiet conversation between you and your Guides. Write down a question you’d like the answer to, or a life area you’d like like guidance with. Ask your Guides what will help you with your issue? Then let it flow. Allow the words to stream effortlessly through you. Even if they don’t make sense, go with it. Without judgement. Without critique. Write down all that comes to you. When I practice Automatic Writing, I usually end up writing in rhyme. I have a Guide who always speaks to me in rhyme. I know I’m connecting with her when my words start sounding like Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and that’s okay. I trust it and follow my intuition. If you get off track, ask to increase the clarity. Stay with this process for as long as it feels right for you.
Quiet the mind and the soul will speak
Sign off with Gratitude
When you’re ready, begin to close your session with spirit. Thank your Team for working through you. Let them know how grateful you are to have them and that you value their guidance (they like being appreciated just like we do!) Thank you for this experience. Thank you for the direction you’ve provided, with love and gratitude. Trust and honor the Divine messages you’ve received. Then, reflect on any action steps you may have been guided to take. Come back to this practice any time you’re feeling stuck, confused, or need some clarity.
You are never truly alone. Your Guides in Spirit always have your back.
Xo Heather