Hellow From the Other Side
How it all started
Are you an old soul?
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Miss American Pie

As children, we very rarely question history. I remember sitting alongside my father on Saturday afternoons as he flipped channels looking for something new to watch or come across a movie he’d seen a… continue reading

Pure Intentional Mediumship

Mediumship is not a magic trick done for applause. It’s a spiritual endeavor that aims to heal, console, uplift, empower, and validate our existence beyond our physical body. …continue reading

Authentically You

How owning your sh*t sets your soul free. Ever watch someone in their element doing what they love, and you can feel them living their truth – it’s a vibe that can’t be forced. Me, Myself + I This…continue reading

wood fashion love people

How to Practice Automatic Writing

When we’re feeling stuck and looking for sound advice the best place to turn is within. Automatic Writing creates a clear channel where natural Spiritual Guidance can flow. …continue reading


5 Things to Focus on That Keep Your Brain Sharp

There’s no new announcement when saying; that when we take care of all parts of ourselves – we feel good. We become more clear, more open to giving and receiving a better quality of life. Keeping our… continue reading

beautiful bloom blooming blossom

How to Find Your Happy

I post a lot of positivity, and that’s real talk. Positive, I try to stay – but happy I am always Not. No one is. How Can We Get To Feeling Good When We’re Feeling Not So Good…continue reading

a gold shower in the bathroom

How to Meditate in the Shower Like a Pro

There’s no new announcement when saying; that when we take care of all parts of Who has time to mediate? Who can sit still and quiet their mind that long? Those are some typical internal responses we have at the thought of a meditation practice. But meditation doesn’t always…continue reading

person holding a tarot card

How to Work With Energy Cards

Are you familiar Oracle Cards? Also known as Angel Cards, or Energy Cards, a cousin to the ancient wisdom of the Tarot, these card decks are less intense, less complicated, and require less experience…continue reading

blackboard with your life matters inscription on black background

How to Fall in Love With the Life You Already Have

There’s no new announcement when saying; that When I was seventeen years old, and fresh out of high school, I met a boy. We had been at a mutual friends graduation party when I first saw him. Like a moth to flame…continue reading

rainbow on grass field

Hello From the Other Side

You know those knock your socks off, stop you dead in your tracks moments, when you receive a Sign straight from Heaven? The ones where you can’t believe your eyes, as if it were placed there just…continue reading

achievement confident free freedom

Release Your Struggle

Imagine you’re walking through the woods. You’re alone. You’re carrying a large bag on your back. You’ve been walking for a long time – you’re getting tired. The bag is heavy…continue reading

green day

Be the Energy You Want to Attract

You’ve probably heard of the Law of Attraction by now – and rightfully so – it’s the pop star of its group. Out of the 12 Laws, this one gets the most play…continue reading

silver desk lamp near pile of books

10 Books that Never Leave My Nightstand

These books are kept near and dear to me. They never stray too far, usually just within an arms reach on my nightstand. They never get old, and somehow they’re always teaching me something new…continue reading

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Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy

Actually, I know nothing about pimpin’. And pimping definitely has no place in Spiritual work, but it’s fun to say. What I really mean to say is, being in this line of work isn’t easy…continue reading

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10 Most Common Messages Conveyed in Mediumship Readings

Souls carry their personality with them when they cross to the Other Side. If Aunt Nancy liked to tease you and make you laugh in life – she’ll show up the same way in…continue reading

Cut Your Cords

We all have cords of attachment. Energetic cords are created between you and any person in your life that you have shared a significant relationship with. Some of these cords are healthy and grew…continue reading

blue rippling ocean under clear blue sky

Are you an Old Soul?

An Old Soul will love differently because this isn’t their first go ’round. They’ve spiritually evolved during their many incarnations. Within them lies lifetimes of wisdom. Whether aware of this or not, their soul remembers…continue reading

Chakra Energy

Chakras are the energy centers of the body. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”. Each center holds a spinning wheel of energy. Energy is constantly flowing through and around our bodies…continue reading

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How to Connect With Your Spirit Guides Through Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are a time honored method used to connect you to Heaven, The Universe, your Angel’s, your Spirit Guides and your Higher Self, in order to receive Divine guidance. The word Oracle comes…continue reading

When Spirit Warns You

Like most of you, I depend on my phone for just about everything. I’m heavy on social media, for business and personal, and I take tons of photos. Recently the storage space on my…continue reading

anonymous woman on beach with rainbow

Raise Your Vibration Meditation

There are many different forms of meditation ; here’s a quick , no-nonsense guided meditation that you can easily incorporate into your daily practice. Discover for yourself how truly powerful your energy can be…continue reading

mountain covered by fog

How It All Started for Me

Loosing my father suddenly and unexpectedly in 2011, was one of the hardest experiences I’ve ever gone through. Him and I were very close. I was forever his little girl, and I absolutely adored him…continue reading

woman listening on headphones

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Shift Your Energy

Music is one of the most powerful forces of energy. It has the ability to lift us up, travel back in time, put us to sleep, pump us up or calm us down. Music connects…continue reading

Beach Sunset

The Last Day I Saw My Father Alive

When the second week of February rolls in, the last memories I have of my father come along with it. Memories that don’t seem to fade with time. It’s almost nine years that my…continue reading

What if We Love Like We’ve Never Been Hurt Before

Closing 2019, I know one of the biggest lessons I’ve faced this year, has been to love like I’ve never been hurt before. It’s a tough one. We can choose to close off our…continue reading

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Connecting to Your Intuition

Intuition is the way the subconscious mind communicates with the conscious mind. You may or may not be familiar with the Chakras or spiritual energy centers within the human body. Located in the center of…continue reading

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Surround Yourself with Positive Things

Our surroundings have great influence over the frequency of our energy. It’s sorta like, you are what you eat – but in this case you are what you surround yourself with. Let’s start with your job…continue reading

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