Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy

“Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?” – Elizabeth Gilbert

Actually, I know nothing about pimpin’. And pimping definitely has no place in Spiritual work, but it’s fun to say. What I really mean to say is, being in this line of work isn’t easy.

It’s been a bumpy ride. I didn’t wake up one morning and say “you know what, I think I’m gonna become a psychic medium today.” It was the very opposite. It found me. It knocked until I answered. It wouldn’t leave me alone.

Things kept coming. Things kept happening that I couldn’t explain.

It didn’t happen overnight. It was gradual. It took a while for me to figure it all out. I’m still figuring it all out.

This work has been incredibly rewarding, and it’s really cool stuff. It feels right for me. More right than anything else has, besides being a mother. I’ve had a burning desire to mother children for as long as my brain allows me to remember. In other words – always. And just like raising children, this has not been easy. I had tried being a hairdresser, teaching preschool, I even tried having a cookie baking business. While I enjoyed all of those things, they didn’t stick. They didn’t satisfy me because I was repressing what was lying just beneath the surface. There was a call I couldn’t ignore.

Telling people that you work with Spirit energy and communicate with the non-living, is rough terrain. At least for me it has been. It’s been challenging. First, coming to terms with having these gifts. “Is this what I’m really experiencing?” “Am I just making this all up?” “Am I crazy?!”

The jury’s still out on that last one.

First, you have to make peace with it for yourself. Then, if you decide to pursue an Intuitive Lifestyle, you’ll eventually need to tell your friends and family. And if you really choose to embrace it, and go for the gusto by making a living out of it, you’ll inevitably need to reveal yourself to strangers. Some would call this Living Your Truth, perhaps you’ve heard of it.

I compare it to a person of the LGBT community coming out of the closet. Not that I know what that is like, exactly – I haven’t lived that experience and I don’t belong to that community. But I imagine it’s a lot like this has been for me. In psychic circles this is referred to as coming out of the psychic closet. It’s a thing.

Take a look at Cass’ identity model which describes the six stages of gay and lesbian identity development. I can completely identify with this process, only for me it’s in reference to coming out of the psychic closet. It went something like this:

  • IDENTITY CONFUSION – Am I a psychic medium?
  • IDENTITY COMPARISON – Accepting the possibility “Maybe this does apply to me.”
  • IDENTITY TOLERANCE – Understanding and acknowledging this is likely what you’ve been experiencing
  • IDENTITY ACCEPTANCE – Finding support and like-minded people. Deciding where, when, and whom to disclose to.
  • IDENTITY PRIDE – Embracing “This is who I am”
  • IDENTITY SYNTHESIS – The person integrates their identity with all other aspects of self

Maybe this sounds a little dramatic to you, as I myself can sometimes be a little dramatic, but I legitimately went through each and every one of these stages and came out the other side – shining – and it feels good.

That’s what authenticity does. It allows you to step into your power and be fully you. There’s nothing like it. It’s freeing.

Facing your fears in order to live a soulful life isn’t easy. It’s filled with anxiety, fear of rejection, judgment, and being misunderstood. I’ve been there. I’ve been told I do the devil’s work, or I must be a witch or a weirdo. I assure you I am none of those things.

If any of this sounds familiar to you, I encourage you to face the fear. To take a step closer to living your best life. The life you are meant to live. To live intuitively in your truth.

Living your truth takes courage. Not everyone is going to be open arms. They might not believe in you. But it’s not your job to convince anyone of anything. Your only job is to be authentic. To follow your heart. Whatever that looks like for you, it’s only important that it feel natural and organic.

Do what brings you to life. Answer your call. Step out of your closet if that’s where you’ve been hiding.

For me it’s been a power I can’t deny. A force bigger than me. I’ve decided to live with it and allow it to change my life.

50 told us Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy. He’s right. But it can be a lot fun if you let it.