Pure Intentional Mediumship

Mediumship is not a magic trick done for applause. It’s a spiritual endeavor that aims to heal, console, uplift, empower, and validate our existence beyond our physical body.

When we break everything down to energy, this concept may become easier to digest. You are made of energy, I am made of energy, and the souls of our deceased loved ones continue on as conscious energy.

We came from Source, and we will return to that Source.

All that is shed is our physical bodies and earthly pains.

Our purest form is Spiritual.

The Medium

A medium is someone who acts as a conduit between the physical world and the spiritual world. I am a clairaudient medium, which means I hear messages from those in spirit or receive thought-based information from spiritual consciousness >> Angels, Guides, Loved Ones, God << // Spiritual Energy. I consider my style of reading therapeutic. Its intent, is not to show off abilities or skills, rather offer a mix of spirituality, counsel, and therapy, while validating what our souls already know to be true; Our Loved Ones In Spirit Live On.

Consciousness Survives Physical Death

Mediumship should be healing. Readings should offer insight, guidance, confirmation, and comfort.

Your loved ones on the Other Side now have a broader perspective than they ever had during their lifetime on earth. They are able to share with you their lessons, regrets, and understandings in a way their human self never could. They now share their love, support and guidance from a higher vantage point.

This, along with your Guides in Spirit, your Angels, and God, make up your Spiritual Team. They step forward for you in your readings and comprise the content shared. I as the medium, use the best of my abilities and skill, to interpret and relay this information to you; for the sake of healing, growth, expansion, awareness, and overall spiritual wellness – or what I call Wellrounded Wellness.

The journey of our spirit | The quality of our life

I concentrate on receiving evidence from spirit, such as names, dates, and fact-based information, which is known as Evidential Mediumship. This helps the sitter to identify their loved one. This technique is used to establish trust between myself and my client. However, I personally connect strongly as a Spiritual Medium, which enables me to relay longer messages, stories and teaching/healing lessons from spirit.

A Wellrounded Reading

A pure and intentional mediumship reading is conducted with grace and compassion. Before you sit with a medium, open yourself to a world beyond physical sight. Mediumship brings a promise of hope, reminding us that we are not alone. The relationships with those we love last beyond space and time.