Raise your vibration Meditation

There are many different forms of meditation ; here’s a quick , no-nonsense guided meditation that you can easily incorporate into your daily practice. Discover for yourself how truly powerful your energy can be when properly cleared and aligned.

I like to start my day by setting my Spiritual intention with this meditation, but you can use it an anytime and feel immediate results.

Sit or stand with both feet on the ground. You can intensify this meditation by placing your bare feet on the earth. In soil, sand, water, rock – anything that grounds you to the earth.

Close your eyes and take 3 cleansing breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose for 3 counts. Hold for 3 counts. Exhale out your mouth for 3. Repeat twice for a total of 3. As you inhale & exhale, use your minds eye (Third Eye Chakra) to visualize the steps of this meditation. Imagine the fresh oxygen you inhale, cleansing all toxicity from your body. Filling your lungs with pure white light. As you exhale imagine all negativity, pain and discomfort leaving your body. Allow your breath to carry and release all toxins from your mind as well as your physical and emotional body.

Now visualize a radiant, white light shining directly down on you from Heaven above. See it pouring into the crown of your head (Crown Chakra) and filling your entire body with it’s brilliant white light. Imagine this light filling every space in your body. Cleansing you of all impurities.

See it fill your face, neck and shoulders. Filling your chest and lungs. Watch as the luminous light runs down your spine and abdomen, down your arms, hands, and out through your fingertips. Allow this sparkling light to fill your pelvis, backside, and begin to travel down your legs. Feel it flow down your legs and out through your feet.

Envision this bright white light as two cords anchoring your energy to mother earth through the bottom of your feet. See the light carry your cleansed energy down these cords to the core of the earth. Now pull this energy back up through your feet and back up the center of your body. See it rushing through every energy center (Chakra). Imagine this pure white light shooting back up to Heaven through your Crown Chakra. You are lifting your energy (vibration) up, up to the sky.

You are now aligned with Heaven & Earth. Your energy is a clear passage for Heaven’s bright white light to flow through you. You can visualize this light streaming effortlessly up and down your clear passage.

Your energy should feel lighter, clearer & more centered and aligned. You have restored & activated your Divine energy back to it’s true nature. Shine your light.

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