Release Your Struggle

We’re running with the shadows of the night, so baby take my hand you’ll be all right. Surrender all your dreams to me tonight, they’ll come true in the end – Pat Benatar

Imagine you’re walking through the woods. You’re alone. You’re carrying a large bag on your back. You’ve been walking for a long time – you’re getting tired. The bag is heavy.

You’ve been thinking about getting rid of it for a while now. It’s been getting in your way.

Do you really even need it?

Maybe you’ll be better off without it.

You know it will lighten your load and your trip will be much easier if you do away with it.

But you’re afraid to let it go.

What if there’s something in there you need? You’ve haven’t needed much out of it this whole time. But what if you do??

It’s been with you for so long. It’s kind of comforting to have it. But mostly, the bag has just been weighing you down.

You may have guessed by now, where I’m going with this ;

Imagine now, that the bag is your struggle.

The one you’ve been holding on to, All. This. Time. The one you carry with you, Wherever. You. Go. The one that feels bigger than you.

Maybe your bag is filled with grief, or shame, or sadness, or fear.

Maybe it’s filled with situations you’ve been trying to stuff down in an attempt to control them – like prisoners in captivity being held against their will, crying to be set free.

Maybe it’s filled with addiction. The monkey on your back.

Sex, drugs, alcohol, money, work, that toxic relationship.

Maybe it’s full of expectations, frustrations and disappointments.

Whatever it’s full of –

Aren’t You Tired?

I know you are. It’s exhausting carrying all that stuff around. Who needs it!

It’s time to Cut it Loose

Once you identify it, you can turn your struggle over to Heaven, God, the Angel’s, the Universe – your Higher Power. You don’t have to go it alone. Surrender and Release the challenges you’ve held so tightly gripped.

Surrender simply means that you’re tired of struggling. You’re ready to let the Universe take the wheel. Release the need to control, and hand it over. Allow the Universe to take care of you through its unlimited love and assistance.

Every obstacle in our life presents us with an opportunity to grow.

Surrender into what’s next by putting a situation into the hands of the Divine and ask that the outcome be of the highest good of all involved.

It’s been said you have to get out of your own way in order to overcome self-defeating behavior. When we’re feeling stuck or unable to move past something, but holding on to the same behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that brought us there, this creates a block to the powerful energy we need to live our best lives.

The practice of Release & Surrender works hand in hand with Faith. Through surrender, we welcome guidance by strengthening our faith – or perhaps, finding our faith. When you’re ready and willing to receive, this faith is easily accessible. The trick is having Faith, no matter what. And following our intuitive guidance towards the next step.

Have faith that what you need will find it’s way to you. Faith that God loves you and will provide all that you need. That even if you can’t see it now, it’s already there – making it’s way to you. Waiting for you to unlock it. To unleash your heaviness into the Universe and make room in your heart for what’s truly meant for you. It can’t get in when your blocking its way. But you have to believe that it’s there. Then let that belief fly away out of your hands into the Great Unknown. Having Faith & Trust that it’s being taken care of.

Sit still for a moment

Close your eyes

Take a deep breath

And send the weight you’ve been carrying, out on a prayer into the Universe.

Exhale it, and feel the peace that comes with releasing.


  • A physical exercise to help with Release & Surrender is to write your struggle down on a piece of paper. Write as much or as little detail as you wish. Hold the paper to your heart and inform your Team of Higher Guidance that you are now handing this over to them. When you are finished, burn the paper as it and your struggle no longer serve you.

Give yourself credit for trying. Focus on the changes you’re currently making to make yourself a healthier person. You’re reading this post – somewhere inside of you, there is a desire to set yourself free – to loosen the reigns and allow the Great Universe to help you — help yourself.

You’re doing alright.

These things don’t happen overnight, but small steps add up.

I got your back – and so does the Universe.

Open your mind to listen and your eyes to see and let your Angels guide you where you should be


  1. Love this reading this help me think I know I have a lot weight on my back I have learn it ok to let go and take time to close my eyes and breathe and tell myself it ok

    1. Hey Katie, happy it helps. Sometimes taking a few moments to breathe and relax is just what we need. Sounds like you’re doing it ♡

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