Spirit Consciousness | Open Minds | Awakened Hearts

Believe it or not, your soul was called here on purpose. You being here right now, reading these words, is the Universe’s way of reminding you of your own spiritual gifts. I believe access to your loved ones in spirit, and the highest version of yourself, is available to you right now. I’m here to help you expand your connection.


Individual Mediumship Reading
Exchange $150

During a 1:1 Session I open my abilities to your aura by tuning- in to the frequencies of your energy field (think of tuning into a radio station). I then invite your loved ones passed to step forward. I ask that they present themselves with as much detail and accuracy as possible (evidence). I then work my best to relay and interpret the information that is given to me, through my psychic senses. Loved ones may reminisce over happy memories, validate times present, or offer a message they’ve been holding for you. Other times they simply come to say hello and let you know they’re safe. Mediums never know who will show up during a reading, we work our best to bring every spirit through. A mediumship reading should leave you feeling as though you had a visit with your loved one (you did <3)

Paired Mediumship Reading
Exchange: $215

Paired readings are similar to individual readings, but with a shared experience. Energy, guidance, and loving messages from the other side, come for both recipients. This exchange works best with a close friend or family member. Readings are always personal and sensitive in nature, having someone you love and trust by your side, can be a beautiful experience. A one hour session devoted to yourself and one friend or family member. Bringing in your past loved ones, personal messages, and angels for healing.

Small Group Readings
Exchange: $75/person

I begin group readings by setting the intention to deliver the highest messages from spirit. I call departed loved ones connected to the group forward to validate their presence and share their best messages of comfort and healing. It’s really cool how spirit orchestrates behind the scenes! We’re often blown away by the parallel connections that surface. I feel attendance is best kept at 5 or 6 to ensure each guest receives a personal message. The intimate energy makes for a special evening or afternoon with family and close friends. It’s a memorable way to gather in celebration of life and love. Small groups may be held in your home or special event venue. In-person or virtual options are available. 

Spiritual Group Practice
Exchange: $44

Something amazing happens when a whole bunch of us awaken to divine guidance and truly feel supported. This class started as a monthly meditation meeting, it quickly evolved to so much more. We gather monthly to expand our spiritual knowledge, gain support, and raise our vibration to align with our highest potential. This has become one of my favorite days of the month. We’re blessed by each person that joins in the magic. Classes/Courses/Workshops designed to teach and bring awareness to your spiritual journey.



All Rights Reserved © Heather B Nichols 2022