Surround Yourself with Positive Things

Our surroundings have great influence over the frequency of our energy. It’s sorta like, you are what you eat – but in this case you are what you surround yourself with.

Let’s start with your job. That’s where most of us spend the majority of our time. The environment we work in should reflect our values and should value us. If you find yourself leaving your workplace feeling drained and depleted more often than not, that’s something you want to take a closer look at. Our time and energy is precious. We aren’t meant to be giving of ourselves in a way that leaves us feeling unfulfilled and as though our work is meaningless. We vibrate at our highest frequency when we share our natural gifts and talents with the world. We should be leaving our mark in a positive way wherever we go. And the best way to do this, is to place ourselves with people, places and things that allow us to shine. If you possess natural gifts of healing, and you’re working as a home health aid, this may be a good fit for you and match your energy. You may love the family you work for and go home feeling satisfied after your time spent caring for your patient. But if you took those healing qualities, and went to put 40 hours a week in at the local bank , you’ll probably end your days feeling uninspired and maybe even resentful at some point because you’re suppressing your true nature. But if you’re a math wiz, numbers come super easy for you, and you love helping people get organized with their finances, this could be a great fit for you. If you’re sharing your strengths with the world and you feel good, you’ll radiate positive energy everywhere you go. Your co-workers will feel it, your clients will feel it, and your family and friends will feel it too. Because you’re enjoying what you’re doing and where you’re doing it. This ripple expands and expands, and inspires others to do the same.

The same idea applies to who we hang out with and where we spend our time. Take a look around. Do you like what you see? Are your friends the negative, jealous, complaining type? They never seem to be happy for you and every time you get together you leave feeling bad about yourself. Or maybe your partner is lazy and you’re a doer ( eh-hem). Watching him or her sit around on the couch all day while you’re running around getting things done, is gonna bring you down after awhile. It will drain your energy. That’s what it means when we say bring you down. This type of energy will literally lower your vibration. If every conversation with your mother-in-law feels like an episode of Judge Judy, maybe you want to limit the amount of time you speak to her throughout the week. You don’t need that negativity in your life! We can’t always avoid these situations entirely, but we can be aware of what doesn’t feel good and make changes accordingly.

Picking up vibes isn’t limited to just people. The places we frequent effect our energy in a big way. Where are you spending your free time? And with who?? Low vibe places like hole-in-the-wall bars, strip clubs, drug hang-outs…anywhere where abuse, addiction, greed or any other low vibration activity takes place, will emit that negativity. If it doesn’t make you feel good, there’s a reason.

Observe your surroundings. Take inventory as to who, what and where your energy goes. If it consistently brings you down, you probably want to re-evaluate. Pay attention to how you feel around these things. If it doesn’t look good and doesn’t feel good; get rid of it.

Affirmation: If I surround myself with positive things, I will attract positivity into my life .