Miss American Pie

Did you write the book of love, and do you have faith in God above ~Don McLean Cover of The New Yorker September 16, 2002 As children, we very rarely question history. I remember sitting alongside my father on Saturday afternoons as he flipped channels looking for something new to watch or come across a……

Pure Intentional Mediumship

Mediumship is not a magic trick done for applause. It’s a spiritual endeavor that aims to heal, console, uplift, empower, and validate our existence beyond our physical body. When we break everything down to energy, this concept may become easier to digest. You are made of energy, I am made of energy, and the souls……

Categorized as Mediumship

How to Practice Automatic Writing

When we’re feeling stuck and looking for sound advice the best place to turn is within. Automatic Writing creates a clear channel where natural Spiritual Guidance can flow. My dear friend Sam, recently made a big move and walked away from her abusive marriage. Fueled by empowerment and excitement, she committed herself to elevating her……

How to find your Happy

I haven’t written a blog post in a minute – but I did today! (Yay!) It’s short and it’s sweet, and I knew it complete, when I wore a younger mans clothes. (You know I’m in flow when I start reciting song lyrics – ( Thank you, Billy.) I post a lot of positivity, and……

Categorized as Wellness

How to work with Energy Cards

Are you familiar Oracle Cards? Also known as Angel Cards, or Energy Cards, a cousin to the ancient wisdom of the Tarot, these card decks are less intense, less complicated, and require less experience to interpret than the traditional Tarot. They’re a time-honored divination tool used to receive loving guidance from your Angels, Guides, and……