Hello From The Other Side

You know those knock your socks off, stop you dead in your tracks moments, when you receive a Sign straight from Heaven? The ones where you can’t believe your eyes, as if it were placed there just for you? When you believe beyond what your eyes can see…Signs from Heaven show up to remind you,……

Release Your Struggle

We’re running with the shadows of the night, so baby take my hand you’ll be all right. Surrender all your dreams to me tonight, they’ll come true in the end – Pat Benatar Imagine you’re walking through the woods. You’re alone. You’re carrying a large bag on your back. You’ve been walking for a long……

Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy

“Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?” – Elizabeth Gilbert Actually, I know nothing about pimpin’. And pimping definitely has no place in Spiritual work, but it’s fun to say. What I really mean to say is, being in this line of work isn’t easy. It’s been……

Categorized as Mediumship

The Clairs

Photo Credit: Asja Boros

Photo Credit: Asja Boros Clair is the French word meaning “clear”. It is used as an American prefix to describe the psychic senses. Just like we use our five basic senses of touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing, to understand and perceive the world around us, there are four main senses used to interpret spiritual……

Visitation Dreams

” Every so often your loved ones will open the door from Heaven, and visit you in a Dream. Just to say “Hello” and to remind you they are still with you, just in a different way…”- author unknown Visitation dreams are one of my top favorite means of communicating with the Other Side. There’s……

Cut Your Cords

We all have cords of attachment. Energetic cords are created between you and any person in your life that you have shared a significant relationship with. Some of these cords are healthy and grew from Love. They include trust, openness, freedom, forgiveness, respect, compassion, acceptance and understanding. Some of these cords are tangled and webbed.……

Are you an Old Soul?

An Old Soul – ” A spiritual person whom is wise beyond their years” An Old Soul will love differently because this isn’t their first go ’round. They’ve spiritually evolved during their many incarnations. Within them lies lifetimes of wisdom. Whether aware of this or not, their soul remembers. Have you always felt more matured……

Chakra Energy

Updadted 8.16.2020 Chakras are the energy centers of the body. Chakra is a Sanskirt word meaning “wheel”. Each center holds a spinning wheel of energy. Energy is constantly flowing through and around our bodies. It is this energy that makes up our physical and emotional being. The more connected you are energetically, the healthier you……