The Clairs

Photo Credit: Asja Boros

Clair is the French word meaning “clear”. It is used as an American prefix to describe the psychic senses.

Just like we use our five basic senses of touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing, to understand and perceive the world around us, there are four main senses used to interpret spiritual and psychic information, called Clairsenses.

When I give a reading, I use these heightened senses to retrieve psychic information and communicate with the Other Side.

The four main Clairs are:

Clairvoyance- meaning clear seeing

Clairaudience- meaning clear hearing

Clairsentience- meaning clear feeling or sensing

Claircognizance- meaning clear knowing

You will recognize the way in which you receive intuitive guidance by which Clair speaks to you most. Spirit will communicate with you through your most dominant sense. Usually one or two senses are stronger than the others.

Knowing these basics will help you understand extra-sensory perceptions or if are interested in learning to develop your intuitive gifts.

Clairvoyance – The most commonly known of the psychic senses. This is Spiritual sight or sight without the physical eyes. It’s where you receive intuitive information visually. You’ve most likely heard the term “Third Eye” which is often associated with this Clair. It signifies visions and seeing beyond physical sight. This Clair may be strong for you if you are a visual learner, if you have vivid dreams, daydream easily, visualize outcomes, have a strong imagination, or are drawn to design or photography. Clairvoyants will use mental images, symbols, and colors when giving a reading. They may see flashes of light, orbs, or read auras. It’s important to trust what you see in your minds eye as well as with your physical sight. When I see things Clairvoyantly with my physical eyes, I describe it as seeing things “highlighted” or in 3D. This will happen when I see messages through numbers, license plates, or words. It’s usually something that pops out to grab my attention. Spiritual vision helps you with healing, teaching and guidance. Artists, interior decorators, stylists and architects all have natural Clairvoyant abilities. Third Eye meditations are helpful to open and strengthening this Clair.

Clairaudience- Personally, this is my most dominant Clair. The gift of clear hearing. Similar to Clairvoyance being seeing within the minds eye, I refer to Clairaudience as hearing within the minds ear. A big misconception about hearing Spirit, is that people assume you hear voices externally, outside of yourself. While this is sometimes true, (you may hear someone call your name when no one is around – this is usually your angels or spirit guides) Spirit usually comes in your own voice. When I’m giving a reading I will hear names, sounds, words, and songs, all within my minds ear. When you have a song “stuck in your head”, that is Clairaudience. Know all the words to every song? The melodies and beats in the back?.. Clairaudience. Musicians, speakers, writers, public speakers, all have dominant Clairaudiant abilities. When Clairaudient abilities begin opening up, and you are becoming attuned to higher vibrations, it’s common to experience ringing, buzzing, or popping in the ears. (This is not to be confused with the medical condition Tinnitus, in which case you should consult your doctor). It is common to become more sensitive to noise and sound after strengthening this Clair. If you retain or comprehend information best when you hear it or when spoken aloud, this is a strong Clair for you. If you’re a good listener, communicator or auditory learner, this may be your dominant Clair. How about talking to yourself?! Yep, Clairaudient. I do this all the time. And if you talk to yourself a lot, you’re most likely getting Divine guidance without even realizing it!

Clairsentience- If you consider yourself an Empath, this one’s for you. Empaths feel and sense the emotions and energies of others. Clairsentience brings empathy to the next level. Not only does Clairsentience bring in feelings within yourself and others, it’s the nervous system for picking up energy and vibes. When you walk into a room after someones had an intense conversation and you can feel it – Clairsentience. When you’re house hunting and walk into a beautiful home but don’t like the way you feel when you walk into the basement – Clairsentience. This Clair is the ability to perceive energy physically. For many of us this is a dominant Clair that we may not even be aware we have. This is where our gut feelings stem from. All the feels live here. It’s our intuitive radar center. When we say ” I have a good feeling about this” or “something doesn’t feel right” we are using Clairsentience. If you’re highly sensitive, in tune with your own feelings and the feelings of others, this is a strong Clair for you. Clairsentients use compassion and understanding. They are natural caregivers and healers. They make excellent counselors, therapists, and teachers. Your heightened sensitivity may make you feel overwhelmed in crowds or uncomfortable watching the news. Your surroundings and environment may impact your energy. Learning to practice psychic shielding is a powerful tool to help manage this. What I enjoy most about being Clairsentient is the ability to read peoples moods. It’s like having my own emotion detector. I can even feel moods and energies through text messages. Saying “I’m fine” doesn’t fly with me!

Claircognizance- You know when you know, but you don’t know how you know, but you just know you know….?! That’s what this Clair is all about – clear knowing. Psychic mediums will often refer to information gained through this Clair as an “intuitive download”. It’s as if the Universe downloaded clear insight directly into your mind. It’s those “Ah-Ha” moments. Trusting this sense requires a lot of faith because often times there’s no practical explanation other than we just “know”. You know when you’re driving in your car and something or someone just pops into your mind – that’s Claircognizance. Or when you just know you shouldn’t take that job, and a better one comes along. This is a highly intuitive sense. This is most likely a strong Clair for you if you’re a deep thinker, researcher, or are analytical. Dominant Claircognizance makes for excellent leaders, philosophers, scientists, and doctors. Claircognizance is the gift of truth. Trust in it for intuitive guidance, as it is a Divine gift.

In addition to the four main Clairs, there are also Clairalience, which is clear scent. Clairgustance, which is clear taste. Also, Clairtangency which is related to Psychometry, or the ability to read energy through an object, such as an antique.

The four main Clairsenses are most commonly used to interpret intuitive information. Most of us will find one or two that resonate strongly. Although all can be further developed. As a psychic medium I use a combination of each of these to tap into my intuition to read people and situations accurately. It takes time to develop and trust in these senses. As with all Spiritual work, faith and trust are a must. Developing a Spiritual connection takes practice. Finding your particular style is fun! You learn a little bit more about yourself this way. It’s all part of your Radiant Journey <3