Visitation Dreams

” Every so often your loved ones will open the door from Heaven, and visit you in a Dream. Just to say “Hello” and to remind you they are still with you, just in a different way…”- author unknown

Visitation dreams are one of my top favorite means of communicating with the Other Side. There’s always a sense of magic within the dream. All of the senses are fully engaged. While the ego and logical mind rest dormant, the intuitive brain opens room for messages to flow.

As a medium, my energy is used as an instrument of communication for souls who have passed on. I become the middle man. I pass along information from one side to the other. Quite often, I receive messages via dream-state.

I dream vividly most nights. I can almost always recall the images as soon as I wake. Sometimes, it’s just my mind sorting out the days events or thoughts swimming around in my subconscious mind. But when Spirit shows up in a dream, it’s a horse of a different color!

A Visitation Dream will:

  • have an intense, undeniably real feeling. As if your loved one were actually right there with you. (Pssst…they are!)
  • stay with you forever. You won’t be able to dismiss or shrug it off. You’ll recall it for years to come.
  • contain a message or strong feeling of love. Your loved one may come to assure you that they are at peace on the other side, offer you encouragement, or express regret over leaving the way they did, but Love is always at the core of their message.

When Spirit shows up in a dream, they come bearing gifts, messages to be offered. Often times, these messages are shown through symbolism. It is then our job to interpret their meaning. It takes a great deal of energy for a soul in spirit to communicate with the living. When we are asleep or in a restful state without distraction, it is easier for those on the Other Side to make a connection with us, they don’t have to work very hard to get our attention.

Spirits’ messages are typically direct and serve a purpose. They like to keep it short and sweet.

Here’s a perfect example of symbolism in a visitation dream;

Not long after a close friends’ mother passed on, she arrived in my dream with a message for her daughter. In the dream, her mother was sitting at a large round table that resembled a giant clock. She gestured for me to come sit beside her. As I sat there with her, she began tugging at the wide clock hands, as to try to reverse them. I knew exactly what she was telling me. It’s rare for Spirit to use words in a dream. Rather they use symbolic imagery like this one, to convey their message. This was her way of expressing her desire to turn back the hands of time – showing her regrets over choices she had made in life, which resulted in time lost with her daughter. It’s common for Spirit to reveal their regrets after passing to the Other Side. Their viewpoint has expanded and they are now able to examine the events of their life lived, more clearly.

After our loved ones have passed on, their spirits continue to watch over us. They are close to us during our times of sadness and grief. Here’s a dream I recently had, that showcases this perfectly:

A few months ago, while I was dozing off, but not quite asleep yet – in that quasi-sleep state, a scene began to play out in my minds eye like a movie (this is the gift of Clairvoyance, or clear psychic seeing). I watched as a woman (a friend of mine), cried in her bedroom. I could feel the weight of her overwhelming sadness (this is the gift of Clairsentience, or clear psychic feeling). I gathered that the woman’s family had been getting ready to leave for a trip. I watched as my friend, who only a few years ago, tragically and unexpectedly lost her young son, sat sobbing in her bedroom. Still reeling from the pain of her loss, she sat in her room grieving her son, as her family prepared to leave for their trip. She didn’t feel like packing for a trip. She wasn’t up for traveling. She was too sad. She wanted to stay back and sit in her grief. She hoped her family would just go without her. But as I watched all of this, I could feel a force urging her to go. When I woke up, I felt a sense of urgency to reach out to my friend. It had been some time since we last spoke. Years ago, when we worked together, we became very friendly. These days we don’t speak as often, but our friendship remains. I sent her a text immediately after I opened my eyes, explaining what I had just seen. I had to. This vision was too strong not to. She responded right away. She was surprised at the information that had come in the dream. She explained that her family was in fact getting ready to leave to spend time at their home in Florida. They were set to fly down the following morning. However, she was contemplating staying back. The anniversary of her sons passing was coming up, only a few days away. She confirmed that she was feeling down and wasn’t in the mood to travel. It all made perfect sense to me now. The urgent force behind this dream, was her son. It was him who had shown me the scene of his mother grieving, in an attempt to get me to reach out to her. He didn’t want her missing out on a family trip because she was sad, or to stay home alone on the upcoming anniversary. His message was clear – he was right beside her, watching over her. He was encouraging her to go, to enjoy life, to be together with their family. This was such an incredible display of love on his part. A lesson for us all. Our loved ones want us to carry on, to be happy and to be active participants in our lives. They know how precious our time here is. They know what’s good for us, and they know how much we miss them. They are right here with us. Simply in the next room – on the Other Side of the veil.

Those are examples of souls coming to me in my dreams with messages for me to pass to their loved ones. But you may have experienced a visitation dream of your own. Maybe your loved one came to visit you to offer their love and comfort, or to show support or encouragement.

I’ll leave you with one last example of how a loved one of my own showed up in a dream with a special message for me.

I lost my father the year before I got married. Naturally, planning my wedding without him was very hard. I had imagined my father walking me down the aisle to give me away to the next man in my life, like many of us do, since I was a little girl. As I planned every detail for this special day, I couldn’t help but feel the hole in my heart. The only thing missing would be him.

I felt so strongly about this that I planned for our limo to make a stop at the cemetery on our way to the park where we were shooting our wedding photos. I got out to place a rose on the grave where my father had been buried a year earlier. Needless to say, it was very emotional and the photographer managed to capture it all. In spite of happiness and celebration, I was really missing my dad that day.

Fast forward a few months later as I soundly slept one winters night. Deep in my dream, I am suddenly standing at the same place we were married. I’m in my wedding gown, there’s lots of guests to my left, there’s music playing in the background – it’s my wedding day. I’m standing on a hill, I see someone off in the distance pull up in an old white beat up convertible just like the one my dad used to drive when I was a kid. It is my Dad. I can’t believe it’s him! I can’t believe he’s here! How are you here?! I think to myself. How is this possible?! You’re dead! But it feels so real. It’s like he’s really there. I’m so excited to see him! He stands off in the distance. He’s dressed in a tux looking handsome as ever. His hair blows in the wind in this real ethereal way. But he never comes over to me. He stands back, smiling bright and proud watching from the distance. I’m so happy that he’s here.

And that was the message.

Simple and straightforward.

My dad used his energy to meet me in a dream. To let me know he was there. He wasn’t physically at my wedding. I didn’t see him that day. But he wanted me to know he was present. He was with us. Watching proudly. It’s been eight years since I had that dream, and I can still give you every last detail. That’s a visitation dream. There’s a difference between dreaming of someone, or of that someone coming into your dream. There presence meeting with yours.

That’s how a visitation dream will leave you feeling. You’ll just know. They are unforgettable experiences.

If you don’t remember your dreams often, don’t worry. The Other Side will find other ways to grab your attention. There are also techniques that encourage lucid dreaming. I’ll have to save that for another post.

To Re-Cap: A Visitation Dream will:

  • feel real and be vivid
  • you will just know
  • you will remember it for years to come
  • your loved one will have a reassuring message for you
  • you will be filled with a sense of peace and love