When Spirit Warns You

Like most of you, I depend on my phone for just about everything. I’m heavy on social media, for business and personal, and I take tons of photos.

Recently the storage space on my phone (I use a Samsung. I’m one of those, -I know) became dangerously low. My internal storage was full.

The system had warned me many times as the space was running out. Messages were popping up notifying me to take action. In other words saying… your phone’s about to crash! Do something!

I saw these warnings. I looked them straight in the eye, then I clicked the X and closed them out. Too busy to deal with it, I thought okay, I see you, but not now.

This got me thinking how Spirit operates in the same way. They send us warnings to alert us when there is a problem that needs our attention. They cannot force us to do anything about it, that’s where our free-will comes in. But, they will repeat the warning over and over until something gives. Just like my phone alerted me.

The phone sent messages for weeks. Actually, it was probably a couple of months, but never mind that. It warned me my usage was getting dangerously low. I chose to ignore it and put it off for later. Eventually, my phone burnt out. It wouldn’t allow me to take any more photos or to post the social media videos or stories that I so very much like to share with you. At one point, I was having difficulty sending or receiving text messages. This had become a real problem.

Spirit warnings come in the same way. Your Spirit Team will send you signs to alert you of something that needs your attention. It will be subtle – they’re not going to come out of the sky and drop a mallet on your head like in the cartoons – it doesn’t work like that. It will be gentle and mild, but it will be repetitive. It will keep nudging you. You might hear yourself saying over and over that something’s not right, or something isn’t working. You may feel, this isn’t good for me, or I need to make a change. Or Spirit may direct your thoughts to a loved one in need. Something keeps pulling your thoughts to them. Spirit doesn’t have the physical bodies we do. They can’t communicate with us in the ways we’re used to. Trust me, if Grandma Rose could pick up the phone and Face-time you from Heaven, she would! But she can’t, so she’ll communicate with you in other ways. The main way that Spirit communicates with us is through our thoughts and feelings. They use our own inner voice to speak to us. And when this doesn’t work, they get creative and use our surroundings to grab our attention. Maybe you keep seeing the name Joe over and over, and that makes you think of your Uncle Joe, and you realize you haven’t checked in on him in a while. Or you keep seeing that commercial about the same health problem you’ve been ignoring. That song keeps playing that you and your daughter love to dance to together and you haven’t spent one on one time with her lately. These are all small subtle ways your team will tap your shoulder to say Hey! Pay Attention!

When your thoughts and feelings keep playing on repeat, stop and listen. Look at it. What are they telling you? When you open up a dialog with Spirit and your inner voice, communication becomes easier. Use your intuition. That’s what it’s for. The more you practice using your intuition and following your inner guidance, the smoother your life will flow. Recognize your warnings. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Spirit is on your side. Rooting for you all the way. They will send the warnings. It’s up to us to listen and take appropriate action. It’s when we ignore them that we end up with a phone so full it isn’t working properly. And nobody wants that. You will always better your future by listening to your inner wisdom.